Forest and Wild Life Resources

Concept Explanation

Forest and Wild Life Resources


It is an extensive area of land covered with trees and other plants. This is a plant community made of trees, shrubs, herbs, etc. They grow in almost all parts of the Earth from cold polar areas to hot equatorial areas; from high mountains to low plains and from wet areas to dry deserts of the world. Forests are the hotspots of biodiversity, they need to be conserved in order to preserve the biodiversity found in the forest (loss of diversity may lead to the loss of ecological stability).

Forests Need to be Conserved because:

• They provide habitat to numerous species of plants animals. All inhabitants get food and protection from the forests.

• They help in protecting the soil from erosion.

They store a large amount of water which acts as buffer for ecosystem during dry periods. Removal of forests disturbs the ecological balance that causes floods and droughts. They play a vital role in the atmospheric circulation and thus, control the global climate.

• The leaves of trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, a phenomenon that is vital for all life on the Earth.

• They provide timber to man for various activities like construction.

• They are a source of edible fruits and nuts. Numerous waxes and oils are also obtained from forests. Sap of many trees is used as a raw material to manufacture variety of goods.

• Bark of some trees are used to make cork and medicines. A variety of chemicals are produced from forests for their use in tanning of leather, inks, dyes, medicines, alcohol, etc.


A stakeholder can be a person, a group or an organisation that may be affected or have any kind of interest in the project or in the project’s outcome either directly or indirectly. All stakeholders are not equal, every stakeholder has his own expectations and requirements and they should be handled the way he expects. When we consider the conservation of forests, we need to look at the stakeholders who are:

1.  The Local People: These are the people who live in or around forests and are dependent on forest products for various aspects of their life. They need large quantities of firewood, small timber and thatch (craft for building roof). Bamboo is used to make slats for huts and baskets for collecting and storing food materials. Implements for agriculture, fishing and hunting are largely made of wood, also forests are the sites for fishing and hunting.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following is not a correct statement?

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Boojho visited a forest near his town with his classmates and his teacher. As they were entering the forest, their class teacher told them not to make noise in the forest as noise could disturb the  _________

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

In our country, vast tracts of forests are cleared and a single species of plant is cultivated. This practice promotes ______________________

Right Option : B
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